
All of our services are held in-person and via Zoom. Please visit our website calendar for connection information.

CJC has services every Shabbat on Friday night and Saturday morning.  There are a variety of services including L’Dor V’Dor, Chavurah – Lay-led service, and periodic Tot Shabbat Menschkin programs. Join us for  the services that suit you.  Check our calendar to see the type of service for a particular Shabbat.

Friday Night Shabbat Service – 7:30 pm. Clergy-led Shabbat Service held in-person and virtually via Zoom. Click here to  access our Friday Night Prayerbook.    

Saturday Morning Service – 10:00 am Saturday Morning Shabbat Service held in-person and virtually via Zoom.  Would you like to volunteer to lead a Lay Led service, present the Drosh or Leyn Torah? Click here to volunteer.  To view Kol Haneshema, our Saturday Morning Shabbat Prayer Book, click here.

L’Dor V’Dor Shabbat Service – Monthly. This service is led by the Rabbi and Cantor. It is geared for all ages with CJC B’Yachad OMJS students and families leading specific prayers. L’Dor V’Dor services are held on both Fridays and Saturdays throughout the year.