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The financial gifts you give to CJC are greatly appreciated. Like all congregations, and many nonprofits, our operating budget is largely based on annual dues and gifts of the heart. It is our treasured value to keep our dues as low as reasonable and to make it possible for congregants who face financial difficulties to arrange payment plans and dues adjustments. It takes the generosity of each of us to continue to make this possible.

In the Torah, Exodus 25.2 offers an inspiring vision of the experience of our ancestors who received God’s message through Moses to “tell the Israelite people to bring Me gifts” to build the desert sanctuary. “You shall accept gifts for Me from every person whose heart so moves.” And the people donated even more than was needed! CJC asks members and friends to search their hearts and offer gifts from their hearts to help our community thrive.

There are many good and customary times to give:

  • Acts of Loving Kindness – There is a wide variety of dedicated funds to select from for giving throughout the year at times of simchas and sorrows, such as yarzheits, birthdays, b’nai mitzvah, and other notable occasions.
  • Legacy Gift to CJC – A planned future gift to CJC
  • Qualified Charitable Distribution – People who are age 70 ½ or older can contribute up to $100,000 from their IRA directly to a charity and avoid paying income taxes on the distribution. This is known as a qualified charitable distribution. Contact your financial advisor on how to implement a financial gift or membership pledge to Columbia Jewish Congregation.
  • Sale of Stock – CJC is now able to accept the sale of stock to help satisfy your membership pledge, and other financial gifts. Please contact Robin for more information on this easy process. 
  • Mazel Tov – It’s a time-honored Jewish tradition to perform the mitzvah. of tzedakah in honor of a simcha or special occasion as a birthday or anniversary. At CJC there are many ways to give tzedakah, you may want to consider supporting the congregation by sponsoring an Oneg or giving to any of CJC’s funds.

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