Nature’s Best Hope – Maintaining Biodiversity

December 10, 2023    
7:00 pm

The OMI Green Team presents Doug Tallamy, T.A. Baker Professor Entomology and Wildlife Ecology, from the University of Delaware

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Professor Tallamy’s Areas of Expertise

  • Researches how plants that evolved elsewhere impact food webs and biodiversity.
  • Tallamy speaks nationwide about his concerns that the approach to gardening must change. He contends the widespread planting of ornamental plants, native to other parts of the world, is creating ecosystem-wide problems.
  • Author of the best-selling books “Nature’s Best Hope and The Nature of Oaks” and “Bringing Nature Home: How You Can Sustain Wildlife with Native Plants.”
  • Has been featured/interviewed by New York Times, NPR, Associated Press, and various other outlets.

Register quickly as we anticipate this event to fill up fast!