Caring Cooperative Informational Dinner

June 20, 2024    
6:30 pm

We are thrilled to share with you our newest CJC initiative – the CJC Caring Cooperative!

For decades, you have been showing up to care for one another in unbelievable ways. The innovation of the Caring Cooperative is to systematize this communal energy in order to increase our capacity for offering robust nourishment, support and care for this kehilla, as we stretch and grow together.

We are looking forward to sharing more about the Caring Cooperative with you – hoping that you will have a hand (and a heart) in building it with us.

If you are interested in learning more, please join us at this working dinner. We will discuss where we want to go next and do some visioning together, all while sharing a (vegetarian) meal! If you have special dietary restrictions please let us know!

**A holy promise – we will not ask you to volunteer or make any commitments at this dinner.**

Please click here to confirm your attendance.
We appreciate your RSVP by Tuesday, June 18.

All Love,

Rabbi Michael

Sabrina Matoff-Stepp